Sep 19, 2013

A Living Sacrifice

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1 ESV

What exactly is this supposed to look like? We often hear this reference in the context of drugs, alcohol, or sex. But what about in regards to nutrition and exercise? 

Let me start by saying that I am writing about this to learn about it. This area is probably one of my biggest problem areas. My health seems like a constant uphill battle. I worry about my future health while struggling to battle my current weight while learning to overcome past habits. When you combine these battles with my extreme love of food, you have a problem. I want to be healthy to live long enough to meet my great grandchildren. I want to be physically fit to make my husband proud. I want to be able to run around and play with my boys. I want to feel good about myself when I need to go shopping for a new dress. But honestly, I don't often find myself saying that I want to be healthy to honor God with my body. 

How do we learn to worship God with our bodies as living sacrifices? How do we enjoy food to the glory of God? How do we raise our children in the way they should go in this area? How do we examine our hearts so that our motives for health are pure? These are questions to which I want to spend the next few months diligently seeking answers. 

I'm going to start my journey by attending The Taste and See Conference by Designed Healthy Living with Annette Reeder on October 18 & 19. The cost is $79 ($89 after October 10) and includes:
  • True Bible teaching of simple Biblical principles
  • Hands-on cooking classes: 11 to choose from!
  • Three meals: tasty, delicious and extremely nutritious
  • Inspiring health seminars
  • PLUS - Add on the Pre-Conference "Fabulous Foodie Friday" Cooking Classes to get the conference started early with 7 more cooking classes to choose from ($25).
I look forward to learning about how "food and scripture intimately coincide". 

Bonus: If YOU are interested in attending, I have a coupon code just for my readers that will get you an exclusive free ebook called Its a Wrap. This ebook includes healthy and easy recipes using your own homemade tortillas! (Go ahead and share with your friends, too. The more the merrier!)

Register here and enter the Blogger Code: boysbrooms&bread to get your free ebook!

P.S. I will be blogging during the conference so plan on following along!

1 comment:

  1. I can't attend the conference due to a prior engagement but I'll look forward to your posts.
