Oct 11, 2013

Full Body Health Evaluation--Surprising Results!

After my most recent post, I decided to continue sharing what I am learning about my personal health concerns and new information learned about health management. I am especially excited to share my experiences at the upcoming Designed Healthy Living Taste and See Conference one week from today! Keep checking back for updates throughout the pre-conference, Fabulous Foodie Friday, as well as the main conference Friday evening and all day Saturday.

With all that said, let me start by sharing about yesterday's appointment with a new chiropractor, Dr. Aletha Eller of Innovative Health Partners. First of all, I just really enjoyed this woman! She has one of those personalities that make you want to be around her. You know the kind I'm talking about; the kind of person that when you meet them, you feel like you're old friends. She started out by asking why I was there. I told her about my recent blood tests and my concerns about my health. I told her of my struggle to lose weight. She also asked about my family relationships; marriage, children, siblings, parents, etc. She asked about my upbringing, my faith, and my work. It was sort of a mini intake session for counseling. She explained the difference between what she does, what other chiropractors do, and what medical doctors do. Basically, she studies and practices Chinese medicine. She looks at the whole person and how everything is connected. She works to keep a person healthy in order to prevent them from needing medical care. She did mention that medical doctors are awesome at what they do, but ideally it would be nice to manage our health before we become "diseased" and in need of medicine.

We discussed my medical tests a little more. My blood pressure has always been excellent. My blood sugar is great. My cholesterol is normal, albeit on the high end of normal. Most areas tested fell within normal ranges. However, a couple of areas indicated poor liver health and inflammation (an indicator of infection) somewhere in my body. She said that she frequently sees patients with high liver enzymes. She said that it is so common that most doctors will brush it off until it gets too high. At that point, they will prescribe medication to manage the levels. But again, we want to prevent that from happening. Interestingly, she asked more about strained relationships within my family. She asked if I have unresolved anger. I told her that I don't believe I do. I explained that though I do not communicate with some people, I don't feel angry towards them. I believe that anger, bitterness, and resentment are more harmful to the one feeling those things and that Jesus calls us to forgive, as He has forgiven. I don't believe that means we have to reconcile necessarily, because sometimes that is just not possible. But I don't harbor resentment. She explained that unresolved emotions can target different organs. Oftentimes, anger targets the liver. She also stated, however, that poor liver health can just be the result of toxic living. I believe this is the case for me. She pointed out that my tests happened just one month postpartum and that could have had a negative impact on those specific areas as well. We'll test again to find out if there have been improvements. 

Dr. Eller went on to do a full body examination. She explained to me how our bodies can tell us so much more about ourselves than we realize. She tested the strength or health of different parts of my body by having me resist her pushing my arm down while she used her other hand to focus on an area of my body. If she targeted a specific area and I was able to resist her, that area of my body was well. She did find good health throughout my body. She specifically pointed out that my hormones are good and strong, which is so important for good health. This also makes natural family planning very easy. I am grateful for this! 

On the other hand, if she targeted a certain area and it was unwell, my arm completely collapsed at her push. She found sinus problems that I was aware of, but have learned to live with. She also found the liver problems that my tests indicated when my body displayed weakness during that part of the evaluation and when I told her how much it hurt for her to touch it. I did not even know where my liver was, but I think I should have known. Then she pressed a little lower and I just about screamed at her. This, she informed me, was my gallbladder. Based on the inflammation of my gallbladder, she said it is unlikely that my body is digesting any fats that I take in and I am on the verge of a serious gallbladder attack. This is the inflammation that my blood tests indicated. Additionally, guess what storing fats can lead to. That's right, an unhealthy liver. I told her that I felt very severe pain in that spot throughout both of my pregnancies. When I mentioned the pain to my OB, he told me several times that the baby was just pressing against my ribs. When I still felt the pain there after each pregnancy, I just assumed that my ribs were bruised. This was not the case! I have had a terrible gallbladder for at least the past seven years! This is the pain that made sitting at my desk at work, or sitting in the car completely unbearable. When I did further reading at home about gallbladder problems, I discovered that the pain that I felt throughout my pregnancies, pain that started just under my right ribs and radiated up my chest, over my shoulder, down my back and around my ribs, indicated that I was having gallbladder attacks. This is the kind of severity that causes women have their gallbladders removed. I had no idea. Furthermore, gallbladder concerns are common among women, especially pregnant women, and the elderly. Why, I wondered, did my OB never check this area? As common as these concerns are among pregnant woman, and after I indicated stabbing pain in that area, this should have been evaluated. Perhaps it wasn't evaluated because insurance only pays for fifteen minutes for each prenatal or general medical appointment...I'll leave that statement where it is before I get on a soapbox. Dr. Eller provided me with a supplement to take a few times daily to support my gallbladder until we review the entire evaluation next week. She indicated that I will probably be put on a gallbladder cleanse. I also read that extra Vitamin C and fiber can help the gallbladder. So for lunch today, I am eating a whole red pepper and drinking a Naked Juice with fiber added. A low fat, low cholesterol (good cholesterol is okay), high fiber diet is the way for me to eat. I am glad that through previously researching about my test results, we already started eating mostly vegetarian meals throughout our week (vegetarian is also cheaper!). The Community Helpings Co-op has proven to be a very helpful resource! We get cheap fruits and veggies, including some items that we normally wouldn't buy at the store. It's been fun to experiment with new foods and create new yummy dishes! Mainly, I want to avoid surgery and medication. I want to be healthy the natural way. This is the goal if at all possible.

Dr. Eller went on to complete the evaluation. She mentioned that I have been gifted with very strong genes from both parents. She said that we would discuss this more next week. I like discussing the good things! She also said that my stress level is very low and that I seem to be very well emotionally and spiritually right now. I told her that I am in a very good place in life right now, my stress level is the lowest it has probably ever been, and my enjoyment in life is probably the highest it has ever been. I believe that this is mainly due to God changing my heart during the summer of 2011 and showing me that my joy does not come from my life circumstances; that my hope is not based on the present. I want what God wants. I want to bring glory to Jesus. This is not my doing, but the Holy Spirit living in me. I also believe that God has provided a way for me to do the one thing I have ever really hoped to do: Stay home and take care of my husband and children. This has given me such fulfillment and enjoyment in life! 

Next Thursday, I will go in to see Dr. Eller again. At that time, we will discuss all of the "pieces of my puzzle" as she puts it. An action plan will be put into place to make me well. Then on Friday and Saturday, I hope to find some valuable tools and resources to help me stay healthy for God's glory. I can't wait!    

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